Sincpac C3D Command Overview
Below is a partial list of the Sincpac C3D commands, divided into categories. See the complete help file for a full list of commands.
Add selected Civil-3D Points to an existing Profile as PVIs, or create a new Profile
using the points.
Creates alignments and profiles from a variety of objects, including polylines,
3D-Polylines, Feature Lines, and Survey Figures. Various pruning options may be
used when creating the alignment and profile.
CAPFEATURE is "Create Alignment and Profile from Feature Line".
Creates an alignment and profile from an existing Feature Line or Survey Figure.
CAPSURFACE is "Create Alignment and Profile, sample from Surface".
Creates an alignment and profile from an existing polyline and an existing surface.
The surface is sampled at the specified interval, and/or at enough intervals to
keep the error within a specified tolerance.
- DisplayAlignProf
Displays geometry and interval points along an alignment and profile, and can print
the output to delimited output files (CSV, tab-delimited, etc.). May also
be used to generate Cogo Points along Alignments, or display a Surface elevation
at each station, along with a Cut/Fill between the Surface and Profile at each Station.
(video demonstration)
Move all PVIs in the selected profile(s) along their alignment(s) by the specified
value, or move them to the current start or end of the alignment. Particularly useful
for "fixing" a profile after changing the stationing.
Creates alignments from polylines, extending tangent segments to the PIs of curves.
Arcs in the polyline are converted to Free Curves, if possible.
Create a profile from a polyline in a profile view.
Prune PVIs from a Finished Ground profile.
Slide Profile PVIs from pick point to beginning or end of alignment. Useful for
"fixing" a profile after editing the alignment.
Convert an Existing Ground profile (sampled from a surface) into a Finished Grade
profile that can be edited, exported to data collectors, etc.
- DL3LineProf
Enables or disables the automatic updating of Dynamic Links. When automatic
updating is disabled, Dynamic Links may be refreshed using the
DLRefresh command.
- DLEnabled
Enables or disables the automatic updating of Dynamic Links. When automatic
updating is disabled, Dynamic Links may be refreshed using the
DLRefresh command.
- DLPoints
Manages dynamic links between Cogo Points and other Civil-3D entities. This allows
the elevations of Cogo Points to change dynamically whenever the "master"
object changes. Similarly, the description may be set to display the Station/Offset
of the point, and the Station/Offset will also dynamically respond to changes in
the model. The "master" object may be a Surface, a Profile, an Alignment,
or a linear entity such as a Feature Line, Survey Figure, Polyline, or 3D-Polyline.
(video demonstration)
- DLProfiles
Manages dynamic links between Profile PVIs and other Civil-3D entities. This allows
the elevations of PVIs to change dynamically whenever the "master" object changes.
The "master" object may be a Surface, another Profile, or an adjacent PVI on the
same Profile. (video demonstration)
- DLRefresh
Refresh all Dynamic Links in the drawing. Typically used when automatic updating
of Dynamic Links is disabled using the DLEnabled
- GenLabelLayer
Changes the current Object Layer settings for General Note and General Segment Labels
to match an object selected on-screen.
Read Object Layer Settings from an XML file.
Write Object Layer Settings to an XML file.
Similar to the default LAYFRZ command, except works on Civil 3D entities.
Similar to the default LAYISO command, except works on Civil 3D entities.
Similar to the default LAYOFF command, except works on Civil 3D entities.
- ViewportLayers
Select layers on which new viewports should be created.
Find and Replace text in the Name or Description of Parcels.
- HashParcel
Create hash marks at PIs, PCs, PCCs, and PRCs for all Parcels in the selected Sites.
- LotFit
Select Cogo Points and Linework (Polylines or Parcels), and see the distance and
direction to each Cogo Point from the nearest linework vertex.
- ParcelAreaStats
Gives the user a method to gather Area statistics for a Site, or Sites, and the
Parcels contained within them. The currently reported statistics are Total Number
of Parcels, Minimum (smallest) Parcel Size, Maximum (largest) Parcel Size, and Average
Parcel Size.
- ParcelOffset
Creates offsets with varied distances around parcels. Useful for setbacks and utility
easements that run at differing distances around the lot, such as 7' along the front,
5' along the sides, and 10' along the rear.
- PerpCheck
Analyzes all Parcels in the selected Sites, marking the points where the lot lines
form perpendicular or radial intersections. Can also mark corners where lot lines
are NOT perpendicular or radial.  (video demonstration)
- PerpClean
Cleans up all marker blocks created by the PerpCheck command.
- LotCorners
Set Civil-3D Points on Parcel corners.
- PT3D
Set Civil-3D Points on Parcel corners.Manually create points with a variety of options,
including getting the elevation from the pick point.
- PtProrate
Generate Cogo Points along an entity, using prorated distances.
- StakeFeatures
Create elevated offset points along Feature Lines, Survey Figures, Parcels, Polylines,
or 3D-Polylines for survey stakeout. (video
Datum-adjust points based on Feature Lines, 3D-Polylines, Survey Figures, or other
Datum-adjust points based on Profiles.
Straight-grade points, using an existing piece of linework as a temporary alignment
for the grading.
Straight-grade points, using a temporary grading line drawn through pick points.
- DisplayPoints
A Cogo Point browser, editor, and reporting tool, all rolled into one. Displays
selected points in a grid, including Station and Offset, with options for editing
points, adding/removing them from Point Groups, and printing them to delimited output
files (CSV, tab-delimited, etc.) or directly to a printer. Also includes the ability
to display a Surface elevation at each point, as well as a Cut/Fill between the
Cogo Points and Profile/Surface. (video
- ExportKMZ
Dump selected Cogo Points to a KML file, which may be loaded into Google Earth.
Blocks from Point Markers may be individually mapped to images on a public server.
- FindPt
Find and Replace text in the Raw Description of Points.
- FreePt
Displays a list of available point numbers in the command window.
- MarkerExtract
Extracts the custom symbols from Point Markers in the selected points, and creates
free blocks that may be moved independently of the Point. Useful for making overtyping
symbols readable without changing the point data.
- MovePoints
Move points in the drawing. Points are only moved horizontally, with no datum adjustment,
and may be selected by Point Group.
- NextPt
Set the next point number for point creation.
- PtConnect
Draw Polylines or 3D Polylines between Cogo Points.
- RotateAligned
Rotate objects to match a selected linear object, such as a polyline or Alignment.
Each item is rotated individually to match the closest place on the linear object.
- RotateMarkers
Rotate Civil-3D Point Markers.
- RotatePoints
Rotate Civil-3D Point locations, with an option to select by point group.
- RotationMatch
Rotate objects to match a selected object. May also be used to rotate objects
to match segments of polylines, Feature Lines, Survey Figures, or Parcels.
When matching linear objects such as Polylines, all objects are rotated to match
the direction of the Polyline at the pick point.
Select Civil-3D Points lying either Above or Below a Surface, optionally limited
by point group, so they can then be used in other commands.
- StaOff
Display Points by Station and Offset, as measured along an Alignment. Results
are displayed on screen and may also be written to a file. (This command has
been largely superceded by the more-powerful
DisplayPoints command.)
- StaOffPrint
Send the file created by the StaOff command to the default printer.
- StationEquation
Key in a station on one alignment, and see the station/offset of that point as measured
along another alignment.
- StationPoints
Adds a Station and Offset to the description of selected points.
- UsedPt
Displays a list of used point numbers in the command window.
- ZoomPt
Zoom to the specified point number.
- AddPtGroup
Add and/or remove selected Civil-3D Points to/from one or more existing Point Groups.
- IdPtGroup
Select a point and see a list of all point groups it belongs too. Also allows you
to remove the point from selected groups.
- PGBrowser
Point Group Browser. Provides a quick way to flip through Point Groups, and edit
the style and override settings. Also displays a Point List of all points currently
in the group. The Point List may be edited to add or remove points from the group.
- PGResetPointNumbers
Resets the Include and Exclude Point Numbers for all Point Groups in the current
- PGUpdateAll
Update all Point Groups in the current drawing.
- PGUpdateEnabled
Enables or disables Automatic Point Group Updates in the current drawing.
- PGUpdateOnEdit
Enables or disables whether or not edits to Cogo Points will trigger an Automatic
Point Group Update.
- SelPtGroup
Select Civil-3D Points by point group, so they can then be used in other commands.
- CompareCivilStyles
Compare Styles in current drawing with those in another drawing, and see lists of
Styles that are found in only one drawing or the other, or common to both drawings.
(Note: Only compares Style NAMES.)
- ExportCivilStyles
Allows any or all Civil Styles in the current drawing to be exported into a selected target drawing in a single step.
- GlobalLabelSettings
Allows the user to update Label Styles from older versions of Civil 3D to use the newer formatting codes.
- ImportCivilStyles
Allows any or all Civil Styles in a selected source drawing to be imported into the current drawing in a single step.
Similar to Land Desktop's "Breaklines By Points" command. Allows the user to quickly
and easily add breaklines to a Civil-3D surface by picking points in the drawing.
Change the elevation of selected items. Designed to raise flattened contours up
to their actual elevations.
Create surface "Hide" boundaries from drawing objects.
Turns off the background mask for selected MTEXT entities.
Turns on the background mask for selected MTEXT entities, using the offset specified
in the LABLAY command.
Toggles the background mask for selected MTEXT entities, using the offset specified
in the LABLAY command.
- CurveSolver
Key in two values for a curve, and solve for the remaining values.
- Extract2d
Extracts selected linework (Feature Lines, Survey Figures, Parcels, Alignments,
3D-Polylines, and more) into a flattened polyline. May be used to extract linework
from items in the current drawing, or from items in XREFs. When selecting items
in XREFs, the extracted linework is created in the current drawing. Additionally,
when selecting Cogo Points that are in XREFs, the Cogo Points are copied into the
current drawing.
Displays the 2D surface area of selected items.
- FlattenObjects
Similar to the "Flatten" command from the Express Tools, except this command also
works on Civil-3D Cogo Points.
- FlipObjects
Flip objects 180 degrees.
- HashPoly
Create hash marks at PIs, PCs, PCCs, and PRCs along polylines, Feature Lines, Survey
Figures, or Parcels.
Quick-set dialog for Drawing Scale, General Line/Curve Label layer, and General
Note Label layer.
- Parking
Create parking stall linework. Parking stalls may be created by specifying stall
dimensions, or by creating a specified number of equally-sized parking stalls between
the selected points. Includes ability to automatically label the parking stalls
with a stall count as they are created.
- ParkingCount
Display the total count of parking spaces in the drawing.
Displays the angle formed by three points. The angle dimension is displayed as an
interior angle, an exterior angle, and a deflection angle.
Displays the arc distance, radius, and delta (central) angle of the arc segment
defined by picking three points. Points may also be specified by keying in point
numbers at the prompt.
Displays an inverse between two points, containing the Horizontal and Slope distances,
the bearing, the slope and grade, the elevation of each point, and the Delta X,
Delta Y, and Delta Z values between the points.
- RemoveDuplicatePIs
Removes duplicate PIs from Polylines, 2D-Polylines, and 3D-Polylines. Useful for
cleaning up messy linework, especially linework created in other programs, which
may contain many duplicate PIs in polylines.
- RotateAligned
Rotate objects to match a selected linear object, such as a polyline or Alignment.
Each item is rotated individually to match the closest place on the linear object.
- RotateIndividual
Rotate selected objects. Each object is rotated individually around its insertion
point. When used on Cogo Points, this command rotates the Point Marker. When used
on MLeaders that have a single leader, the MLeader is rotated around the arrowhead.
- RotationMatch
Rotate objects to match a selected object. May also be used to rotate objects
to match segments of polylines, Feature Lines, Survey Figures, or Parcels.
When matching linear objects such as Polylines, all objects are rotated to match
the direction of the Polyline at the pick point.
Sincpac C3D Change Log
Product Matrix - a list of commands
available in each module of the Sincpac C3D