SincpacC3D General Information Command Summary Quux Software



The CivilStyleModifiedProperties command lists the Users and Dates that styles used by Civil3D Styles were last edited.


Type CivilStyleModifiedProperties at the command line. You will then see the Civil Style Modified Properties Form:

CivilStyleModifiedProperties Layer Dialog

This dialog box displays the Users and Dates that styles were last updated by who and when for most Civil3D styles, along with a count of how many styles for each.

See Also

Blue Dot CompareCivilStyles

Compare Styles in current drawing with those in another drawing, and see lists of Styles that are found in only one drawing or the other, or common to both drawings.

Blue Dot ExportCivilStyles

Allows any or all Civil Styles in the current drawing to be exported into a selected target drawing in a single step.

Blue Dot ImportCivilStyles

Allows any or all Civil Styles in a selected source drawing to be imported into the current drawing in a single step.

Blue Dot Quick Layer Import functionality

Quickly and easily import a layer from any of a variety of sources, without interrupting the current command.

Blue Dot PurgeCivilStyles

Purge unused Civil Styles from the current drawing.

Blue Dot RenameCivilStyles

Search-and-Replace on Names and/or Descriptions of Civil Styles.