General Information
Command Summary
ChPipeHydraulicsFactors |
The ChPipeHydraulicsFactors command changes the selected pipe hydraulic factor values of the selected pipes. Hydraulic factors include Manning's Value, Hazen Williams Coefficient, and Darcy Weisbach Factor.
This command changes the the selected pipe hydraulic factor values of the selected pipes. After starting the ChPipeHydraulicsFactors command, select the pipes to change the pipe hydraulic values, then select the pipe hydraulic values desired to be changed along with the corresponding value.
See Also
Creates links between main pipe network pipes and lateral pipe network pipes.
Deletes sewer lateral links from the main and lateral pipes.
Updates the rules that a lateral pipe uses when updated in relation to a main line pipe.
The PipeElevationEditor is intended to be used just like the Quick Elevation Editor for Featurelines. The user may edit the Start Elevation, End Elevation, the slope holding the start elevation or the slope holding the end elevation. User may toggle to track the pipe invert at any point along the pipe.