General Information
Command Summary
Add Crossing PI Feature Line |
The AddCrossingPIFL command adds PI points where feature lines cross.
Run the AddCrossingPIFL command select the feature lines you want to add crossing PIs to. If a PI is not able to be added then a message at the command line will be shown to indicate the point not being able to be added.
After the command is run make sure Civil 3D added the point to the correct location and order. The API exhibits the same bad behavior the User Interface does and adds the point not on the segment selected, but at a perpendicular location.
See Also
CAPFeature is "Create Alignment and Profile from Feature Line". Creates an alignment and profile from an existing Feature Line or Survey Figure. Excess PVIs may also be pruned with a setting similar to the one in CAPSurface.
Allows user to mirror feature lines.
Prune PVIs from a Finished Ground profile.