General Information
Command Summary
SPPipeCoverReport |
Note - Only available in Sincpac-C3D versions 3.0 and newer
The SPPipeCoverReport displays a Data Grid View of all of a Pipe Network's pipes and the lengths at user defined ranges. Can toggle between a Depth (to bottom of pipe) or Cover (to top of pipe) report.
Type SPPipeCoverReport at the command line or select it from the Sincpac2 Ribbon Tab, Tools Panel, Pipes drop down. You will be presented with the following dialog in which you choose the Pipe Network, the number of ranges and their values, and whether you want a Cover or Depth report.
Hitting OK initiates the process to gather the data for the next dialog which shows the results. On this dialog you have the option to add the data as a Table to the drawing.
See Also
Swaps multiple pipes or structures from one size to another size.
Allows editing of pipe invert elevations, ala FeaturelineElevationEditor style.