SincpacC3D General Information Command Summary Quux Software



The BGMaskOn command turns on the background mask for selected MTEXT, MLEADER, and DIMENSION entities, using the background scale factor specified with the LabLay command or on the OPTIONS Tab.


Type BGMaskOn at the command line and select items at the prompt. Or, select items, right-click, and select "Background Mask -> Mask On" from the shortcut menu.

See Also

Blue Dot BGMaskOff

Turn off background mask for selected MTEXT, MLEADER, and DIMENSION entities.

Blue Dot BGMaskToggle

Toggle background mask for selected MTEXT, MLEADER, and DIMENSION entities.

Blue Dot LabLay

Quick-set dialog for Drawing Scale, General Line/Curve Label layer, and General Note Label layer.

Blue Dot OPTIONS Tab

Adjust general settings for the Sincpac-C3D.