SincpacC3D General Information Command Summary Quux Software



The ClearRegionTargets command will allow the user to select a Corridor then choose a Region in which the user wishes to clear all of the existing Targets. Handy for when splitting/copying regions that will be utilizing different targets.


Type ClearRegionTargets at the command line or select it from the Alignments/Profiles Panel of the Sincpac2 Tab on the Ribbon.

See Also

Blue Dot CorridorAddSections

The CorridorAddSections command will allow the user to select a Corridor, then choose a Region, and then a profile in which the user wishes to add sections to the region.

Blue Dot ClearRegionAddSections

The ClearRegionAddSections command will allow the user to select a Corridor then choose a Region in which the user wishes to clear all of the add sections.