General Information
Command Summary
SPRibbonEnabled |
The SPRibbonEnabled command will enable or disable the Sincpac-C3D tab in the Ribbon interface.
Note: This command is not available in the 2008 and 2009 versions.
Type SPRibbonEnabled at the command line. You will then be asked if you want the Sincpac-C3D tab enabled in the Ribbon; simply answer Yes or No.
Note: This command may also be used to refresh the Sincpac-C3D tab in the Ribbon, should it disappear. For example, the Sincpac-C3D tab will disappear from the Ribbon if you use the CUI Editor. Running this command will cause the Sincpac-C3D tab to reappear. (The Sincpac-C3D tab will also reappear if you refresh your Workspace.)
See Also
The Ribbon interface for the Sincpac-C3D (not available in 2008 and 2009 versions).
Specifies how many tabs to use in the Ribbon interface for the Sincpac-C3D. Splitting the commands into two Ribbon tabs improves ease-of-use on small monitors.