SincpacC3D General Information Command Summary Quux Software



The ImportLayer command is a quick-import feature, which allows a single layer to be quickly and easily imported from a variety of sources.


Type ImportLayer at the command line. You will then see a dialog box much like that seen when clicking on the "Import Layer" button in one of the other Sincpac-C3D command dialogs, such as the one for Point Layer in StakeFeatures command.

However, when invoked from the ImportLayer command, the dialog box also has an option in the upper-right corner to "Set Current", as seen in the image below:

ImportLayer Dialog

When the "Set Current" option is selected, the imported layer will be set as the current layer after it is imported. Other than that, this dialog functions as described for the Quick Layer Import functionality.

See Also

Blue Dot Quick Layer Import functionality

Quickly and easily import a layer from any of a variety of sources, without interrupting the current command.