SincpacC3D General Information Command Summary Quux Software



The FlattenObjects command is similar to the "Flatten" command from the Express Tools, except this command also works on Civil-3D Cogo Points. When this command is run on a Civil-3D Point, the Point is set to "No Elevation" (Note: this command will not work on Survey Points, i.e. points inserted from the Survey Database). This command works on a variety of entities, including lines, polylines, blocks, and a variety of others.


Type FlattenObjects at the command line, and select the objects you wish to flip. You may also run this command by selecting one or more objects, right-clicking, and selecting "Flatten" from the shortcut menu.

See Also

Blue Dot Extract2d

Extracts selected linework (Feature Lines, Survey Figures, Parcels, Alignments, 3D-Polylines and more) into a flattened polyline. May be used to extract linework from items in the current drawing, or from items in XREFs or DGN Underlays. When selecting items in XREFs, the extracted linework is created in the current drawing. Additionally, when selecting Cogo Points that are in XREFs, the Cogo Points are copied into the current drawing.

Blue Dot FlipObjects

Flip objects 180 degrees.

Blue Dot RotateAligned

Rotate objects to match a linear object. Each selected object is rotated to match the bearing of the closest point on the linear object.

Blue Dot RotationMatch

Rotate objects to match a selected object. May also be used to rotate objects to match segments of polylines, Feature Lines, Survey Figures, or Parcels. When selecting a linear object, all objects are rotated to match the bearing of the selected point on the linear object.